How to Choose the Right Cosmetic Printing Services for Beautypreneur

Having a beauty business is the dream of many people today. This dream is easier to come true thanks to the existence of a cosmetic printing service company. What is offered and how to choose the right one? Several Indonesian celebrities are also eyeing the cosmetics business. Call it Ashanty, Shandy Aulia, Ria Ricis, Bunga Zainal, Sarah Salsabila, and others. Don't imagine they have their own cosmetics factory. To become a beautypreneur, it turns out that they use the services of a cosmetic printing company. This maklon company will provide various categories of cosmetic products needed.

How to choose?

1. Make sure to choose a printing company that helps budding beautypreneurs from upstream to downstream. Mount Hermon Laboratories strongly supports business people who are just starting their career in cosmetics by providing complete information, from discussions on cosmetic concepts, raw material selection, to production.

2. Maklon companies, should also help the concept of cosmetics that will be produced. Sometimes clients come without a concept. We help start creating cosmetic concepts, selecting raw materials, which formulas to use, attractive packaging. In other words, in a quality printing shop, customers only need to solidify their dreams, visions and missions. This is because, for example at Mount Hermon Laboratories, everything will be served, from consulting on cosmetic concepts, choosing an attractive brand name, to cosmetic manufacturing processes from upstream to downstream, from research & development, raw material formulation, quality control, packaging, permits. BPOM, MUI halal certification, and patents.

3. Another consideration, choose a mock-up that prioritizes uniqueness and innovation in every product it makes for each client's brand. At Mount Hermon Laboratories, we guarantee the safety and halalness of cosmetics in every chain of the manufacturing process. Through research that is always carried out regularly by the R&D team, as well as the collaboration of ingredients such as extracts from natural plants, give birth to innovative products that can boast of local Indonesian cosmetic products. Unique and different products are indeed one of the keys to the success of beautypreneurs. Therefore, Mount Hermon Laboratories supports beautypreneurs to have high quality and different beauty products. Every product manufactured by Mount Hermon Laboratories, will not be the same. Each product has its own uniqueness and character. Mount Hermon Laboratories will help prospective beautypreneurs to make cosmetic products with different ingredients concepts and formulas. With the current trend back to nature, at Mount Hermon Laboratories, customers can choose active ingredients from the type of plants they want to include in cosmetic or skincare ingredients.

How much investment must be spent to become a beautypreneur? It turns out that beginners do not have to provide billions of rupiah. This is because Mount Hermon Laboratories provides a service package starting from an investment of IDR 20 million to hundreds of millions of rupiah with a choice of various cosmetic products, from skincare, personal care, haircare, to spa products. With a capital of Rp. 20 million, beautypreneurs can choose a variety of products that they want to produce, from skincare products such as face or eye masks, moisturizing creams, lightening creams, antiaging serums, body fat destroying creams, foot soak and so on. Customers can also choose the dosage form they want, from liquids, viscous liquids (serum), creams, to powders (powders).

Beautypreneur also doesn't have to bother with product standards, both local and international. All products manufactured at Mount Hermon Laboratories have standards through the National Certification Bodies, namely CPKB and BPOM, and have even been HALAL certified, which is a 'trusted added value' for cosmetic business people.

Promising Beautypreneur Profession Trends

Millennials are now looking to the profession as a promising beautypreneur. Beautypreneur comes from the word beauty entrepreneur. According to, an entrepreneur is someone who produces goods or services that make a profit. So, Beautypreneur is someone who produces goods or services in the field of beauty. Since the last few years, the domestic beauty industry has grown rapidly. Every year more and more local cosmetic and skincare products are sold in the market. And this is an opportunity for you to be creative in making beauty products with your own brand, as has been done by many artists and millennials.

Currently, there are many beautypreneur trends in Indonesia, especially among millennials. If you want to make beauty products according to your wishes, you don't need to be confused anymore because now there are lots of companies that offer cosmetic printing services.

Nowadays, someone who wants to be a beautypreneur can make it possible to have a product with their own brand, without having to build a factory at a high cost. From this printing service, you can know the process from raw materials to product development and packaging.

Brand owners do not need to carry out the research process, material selection, etc. It is enough to place an order for the desired product from a printing company, label your own brand and sell it immediately.

You can create a private label and you can compete with existing local brands. The capital required is not too large. The main key is knowing the direction of the business, planning well, and following the latest market trends. Prepare yourself to be a successful Beautypreneur. Contact us to be part of your success.

really like the field of beauty. You also have an entrepreneurial spirit.

Combine Your Passion and Entrepreneurial Spirit

You really like the beauty field. You also have an entrepreneurial spirit. Combine the two and you may have the opportunity to start a business and be successful selling your own cosmetics.

Have Specific Knowledge
Understand how makeup works and current trends
. If you really want to get into the business of selling cosmetics, know the details of why and how makeup works. It doesn't just work to do your own makeup. This means that you have to really understand the chemical components behind makeup products, methods to make the most of your facial characteristics and ways that certain cosmetics can be used to correct specific problems, from dandruff to acne. Some of the methods for increasing your in-depth knowledge include:
• Earn a college diploma in Cosmetology
• Read biographies of people who have pioneered the most famous cosmetic brands, such as Helena Rubenstein, Estée Lauder and others.
• Get an educational background in chemistry. You can even take chemistry courses
• Explore alternative material options (natural make-up is big business nowadays)
• Spend time learning which ingredients are used for different types of cosmetics, such as lipstick, foundation, etc.

Experiment at home. Borrow and buy books on making your own cosmetics. These experiments, coupled with the knowledge you gain, will help you figure out how these different ingredients work and whether they can produce the things you expected, from smoother skin to shinier hair.
• There are many good books on making cosmetics available in libraries and bookstores. There is also a lot of advice online but be careful. Check whether the suggestions are safe. Don't just believe that they will give you the final result you want. Test this aspect for yourself.
• Ask friends if they would like to try your product.

Determining Your Cosmetics Brand Range
Decide which cosmetic field you want to work on
. The term "cosmetics" covers a wide range of products, including hair, skin and facial care. This term even includes toothpaste and deodorant. So, it's great if you know from the start what area you want to focus on. Your business will be more successful if you narrow it down from the start. For example, the X Lipsticks brand is well known around the world, most likely because it didn't try to make the X Eyeshadow brand and the X Shampoo brand at the same time. Focus on the areas that interest you the most, the ones you believe you are good at and the most acceptable to the market today.
• When your business starts and feels more solid, you can add new lines to existing ones. But before that, focus on being the best in one line of cosmetics. Refine your line, build your brand and use it to gain the respect needed to release more ideas.

Learn marketing skills
. Cosmetics is a field already filled with lots of people competing for their products. What distinguishes the most successful cosmetics from the rest is marketing, from packaging to the promises of youth, find the right hook that you will throw at potential customers. Ask yourself these tough questions:
• Compared to other products, what is very special or different from your product?
• Why should buyers try your product and stop using other brands they have been using?
• What kind of packaging creates a famous brand, makes people amazed, and gives the impression that the product is trustworthy and dependable?
• What special ingredients or factors did you focus on? Many products choose something they sell as their specialty, such as "organic," "natural," "with ingredients X," or something else! Do you also have specific facts to back up the claim that you promised?

Preparing for Business
Think of a name. The name will be the most important part of your business and define the cosmetics line as well as the business. In some cases, you may feel that using your own name is sufficient. However, there are also those who prefer to use a company name, to support administrative purposes, and an attractive product line name.
Decide whether you want to start from your own home or rent somewhere else. Renting space can be expensive up front. You can choose to rent space in the production kitchen or laboratory to test and manufacture the product, then store the product in a safe, dry place before sending it to the point of sale. If you want to rent a space, make sure it's always cheap to pay extra and don't move to expensive areas. Start by renting an inexpensive place and then move to another, more expensive place as your finances improve. If you feel that your capital is insufficient, there is nothing wrong with looking for a cosmetic printing service partner who will streamline production costs.
Consult financial and legal advisors when preparing for the business. They need to take care of various aspects such as insurance, patents and trademarks, compliance with safety standards for cosmetic production (you also need to know all these rules) and other things like rent, safe storage, employment contracts or employee salaries.
• Register your cosmetics business after you have arranged everything in more detail.

Promote Products
Sell your cosmetic line in as many ways as possible. For example, going directly to a shopping center to have them sell your cosmetics, sell them in your own online store, auction them off, sell them in a consignment store, and even sell at parties where you demonstrate the cosmetics.
Have your main selling points clear in mind. Have at least five top reasons to tell people why your line of cosmetics is amazing and worth a try. Be honest and have a background story, for example telling the reason you started this business.
• For example, you can tell people that your lipstick is brighter than the other lipsticks because you added a glow of a midnight X flower picked. You got the idea while hiking in the hamlet of Y region, in the summer of three years ago, when you were desperate for a good lipstick to use at night. Instantly the idea occurred!

• Know which age group your cosmetics line is targeting. This will help you determine the overall appearance, packaging and advertising of the product.
• Find volunteers to try your cosmetic products. Tell them the ingredients, in case they have a specific allergy. Let them choose not to try any products they don't want to use. It's their right.
• Try to use more natural and organic ingredients. Lately people are trying their best to use products made with natural ingredients, and if your product is made of ingredients that are all natural and look good, people will be hooked too!

7 Tips for Starting a Skincare Business From Experienced

The skincare business is growing, new brands have sprung up on the market with increasingly attractive packaging displays at competitive prices. Targeting from the youth market, adults to the old market. This means that the market need for skincare is very large, especially not only women but men also need this skin care product. Coupled with imported products that flood the market. Can local skincare compete? For those of you who have capital and are primarily passionate about skincare, it will be easy to start and run this business. Here are the tips for starting a skincare business that we got from the experiences of businnesman women who have been running it.

1. Have a good intention or purpose

Set goals that provide benefits, don't think about harming others especially just for money. Instant is easy but will last long. Be honest in your business. Focus on customer satisfaction and not just promises. Create a skincare formulation that is unique to you and do the test yourself so that we really feel the benefits of the product, so that consumers can also feel and give a review without us asking for it.

2. Have a strong and innovative mentality

Because market conditions are always changing rapidly, this mentality is needed. Starting from creating a strong and positive brand value according to your vision so that buyers will be proud and love the products we make. If you need to do a market survey first, think carefully.

3. Find the right acquaintances and partners

Look for information on trade industry fairs and attend to gather what information is needed to get into the skincare business. Visit several laboratories, manufacturers to packaging companies. Now there are many cosmetic maklun / maklon services that offer services to make custom cosmetics according to demand. By using cosmetic maklun / maklon services, you don't need to bother thinking about from upstream to downstream.

4. Dealing with trademark licenses and patents

We don't want our brands to be stolen by those who take advantage of our hard work. Cosmetics maklun or maklon services usually provide the necessary permit processing services.

5. Do it gradually

Adjust your steps with the existing capital first. Don't push yourself if you can't. For example: making packaging labels at least thousands, but you are still able to make only 500, use the existing packaging first. Furthermore, every time there is a new product launch, you can update the packaging according to your vision. Discuss with the cosmetic maklun / maklon services that are invited to work together.

6. Start selling

It can be done anywhere, sell at an online shop, leave it at a cosmetic shop near you, or open a small booth at community events etc. Above all, recruiting a marketing team who are really good at this job. Product sales figures are increasing and increasingly recognized by consumers. Cosmetics maklun / maklon services currently also offer manufacturing services to the marketing process.

7. Maintain relationships with buyers

The reason is that the business can last a long time. A small example is the admin serves friendly so that buyers are happy and don't hesitate to give positive reviews.

Hopefully this review adds to your confidence who wants to start a skincare or skin care or beauty product business.

Success in doing business with knowledge. What is an understanding?

Want to be successful in owning a business but not enough capital if you want to have a factory and production tools, prepare human resources and wages, not the whole management team. I feel dizzy. There is a solution! With the services of knowledge, all your wishes will come true without being complicated anymore. What is maklun service, read this article further. Understanding makes it easier for you Currently, many businesses are built using the services of knowledge. The word maklun or maklon comes from the Dutch word makloon, which means production costs. Simply put, knowledge can be interpreted as product processing services carried out by other parties. For example, if you want a food or clothing business, the production can be done at the available knowledge service companies. So you don't need to set up your own factory and build management which definitely requires more capital. The efficiency of the production process can be transferred to maximizing the sales process. In the industrial world, maklon is often known as toll manufacturing. Apart from maklon and toll manufacturing, another term used is CMT or Cut Make Trim. Then what are the promising business fields today? It can be started from your hobbies or interests. If you look at the latest trends, one that is developing is the world of food and cosmetics. If you are interested in doing cosmetics, you are correct. This is evidenced by data from the Ministry of Industry, where last year the growth of the cosmetics industry in Indonesia rose 15 percent compared to the previous year. Then it increases again by 9 percent to 29 percent in 2019. We often see women today who always want to look beautiful on their social media or when socializing with their community in public places.

What's the process like? Of course there are stages that will be discussed below:

1. Starting from the product concept you want. Find out in advance the product concept you want and discuss it with the maklun service team in order to determine the raw materials and formulas to be sampled.

2. Making product samples Samples will be made for the customer to see first, if there is something that is still not corrected until it gets your approval. Then proceed with the production process.

3. Production process

4. Sales stage The company, knowing that some will help you get a distributor or reseller, makes it easier for the next steps to sell products. Advantages of Knowledgeable Services What is certain is that it saves thoughts, energy and costs. Efficient isn't it. Your focus is only on choosing a brand and building that brand known and salable in the market. Want to be like an artist / beauty influencer who has his own and successful cosmetic line? Immediately make your wishes come true with our cosmetic maklun services. We provide a complete service from the start of the concept, formula, sample, design, licensing, production, until the end of your product sells in the market. Beauty products will bring you great benefits. Get info on what products you can have here. Innovation has always been our motto in serving you.